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PIES Workshops* develop both confidence & skills with beginner & closet poets. Participants are encouraged to share their work. Workshops are in person. Individual tutorials may be arranged online.
Confidence and team building workshops take place through commercial and third sector organisations. Focus is on fun, recognising we are all poets, valuing individual stories, and defining participants' vision for their lives. Literacy is not required.
Opportunities are also developed for poets to have greater exposure and to develop income streams. Membership is free, and all members are entitled to have their work included in the Annual Review. Go to City of Poets to see how advanced all of this work is.
*(6 weeks • maximum 6 participants • sessions 60-90 mins • PIES refers to the capacity of poetry to help unite our Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual selves.)

TOP RIGHT: launch of City of Poets, May 2022
TOP LEFT: first WORD SALAD board, 2022, random words contributed by members, later used to create a celebratory poem
BOTTOM: launch of Annual Review 2023:
left to right: Glasgow Poet Laureate Jim Carruth: Laurie Goldie TINY PRIZE WINNER; Taz, contributor to City of Poets Annual Review 2023; Allan H, TINY PRIZE WINNER; Matthew Keeley, TINY PRIZE WINNER.
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